Friday, September 28, 2012

A Music Video as an Educational Tool?

Filipinos are said to be natural born singers and music lovers. This is not too hard to believe considering the many videoke bars that sprouted in almost every corner of our neighborhood. Consider also that a number of households own Magic Sing units. It's precursor, the Karaoke machine, was also popular. But ever since videoke existed, it easily replaced the former. Videoke not only provides the music but also visuals that will entice the wannabe singers to sing to maximum performance level.

So what has this got to do with education? As what has been discussed in our Educ 9 class, media technology can be used for educational purposes. As a teaching/learning tool and as a medium to impart knowledge to our audience (in this case, the students). Videoke or music videos can be used as an educational tool since it can provide eye-catching and attention-grabbing visuals, can hold the interest of the audience, and with appropriate use, can be an effective tool to impart knowledge. Take for example the proliferation of Nursery Rhymes music videos for little kids, phonetics, number counting, color identification and other basic learning for nursery-age learners. It catches the attention of the little kids and at the same time, teach them that learning can also be fun!

One of our projects in Educ 9 (Educational Technology) is to create a music video. For my project, I used the song "Hello World by the Saddle Club. This song is a favorite of my son, Julien "Oyen" Sorel. He is autistic. I dedicated this project to him. Every time I play this video, he would really stop what he was doing and dance to the music. It also served as a winding down activity for him every night before he sleeps. Music videos can be used as educational tool, it can also be therapeutic too!

Here is Oyen's music video. I hope you'll like it.